Returns & Replacements

We stand for 100% return guarantee!

Within 7 days, you can return or exchange the purchased article.

How does it works?

  • Report via or tel: 0031 (0) 6-27550971 that you want to send an product return of course mentioning why.
  • You will receive by email a confirmation of your Exchange or return request.
  • Tim Tam Slam will send you an acknowledgment of receipt by e-mail after receiving the returned items.
  • We exchange the item (if available) or refund the purchase price within 5 working days, depending on your wish.

Conditions for exchange and return:

  • The product must not be used or damaged; and show no signs of use.
  • The return amount will be refunded within 5 working days to the bank account indicated by you.
  • The costs for return shipments are for own account unless the product is defective or damaged for no reason.

Return address:

Tim Tam Slam
Nieuwestraat 79
3291 AP Strijen
The Netherlands

Tim Tam Slam is not liable for the loss of shipments or damage during the return transport. Always ensure good packaging.